Monday 28 September 2009

L(ove)FW SS10: Day 4 - One fine day...

Day 4 was, and I'm borrowing my friend Tina's line here, simply the best! Packed schedule, great designers, interesting shows and a meeting with the First Couple of Street-style photography. One fine day indeed! And as the next day was going to be pretty low-key for me, I made the most of this one. Really, you should have seen me rushing from one venue to the next! Or maybe you did, yes, I was the delirious-looking, power-walking one seen around the Marylebone area, around midday. OK, not the only one!!!

It started with Marios Schwab and the anticipation levels were maxed out, what with the Halston appointment pretty fresh in everyone's minds. This was my first Marios show and I was enchanted and very simply, bowled over! So, the slightly 'unconvinced' reviews I read later on did not exactly compute. Nor, I guess, with the boy and girl that were next to me and couldn't stop going "oooh, aaah, oooh"...

First Todd Lynn show too and, quelle surprise, loved it too! Despite the fact that the man can cut a jacket and then some, any show that ends with 'Paint it Black' gets my seal of approval. And where would fashion designers be without those, ha?

I love going to the Fashion Fringe shows for a few reasons; I like the venue, the snacks, the goodie bags and the suspense of waiting for the announcement of the winner, soon after the show. And, for a rare glimpse of Donatella, of course. Last time, I bumped into her (well, not literally) in the corridor and she was really nice. This may sound pathetic, in a "well, what did you expect her to do? Ask one of her bodyguards to throw you out?" way but really, when the girl that interns at the PR agency for a week gives you attitude, the fact that Donatella Versace looks up at you and smiles and says a lovely 'ciao' is pretty nice. So, she's nice. Established. This time, she was swamped by photographers trying to take her picture when she took her seat, and yes, I tried a sneaky one too (sneaky because we're friends now, after said incident). I won't say much about the show but I wish I had the guts to take a picture of the ever-so-lovely Sarah from Colette and her face at some particularly 'intriguing' looks.

Josh Goot next and aside from the fact that the venue was a car park with three flights of stairs, the show was summery and bright and fun, in a way that only an Australian designer could do. You know, that real appreciation of summer and sunshine and the beach and the way he can cut a tee dress without it looking frumpy. I really loved the colour block trousers he did. Now, if only I could surf...

I also managed to pop into Aquascutum's presentation in their Regent Street store. I loved the military touches on the jackets and coats and I'm so glad the label is now in the safe hands of Mr Tillman. With such a heritage, a fantastic designer in Michael Herz and possibly the best advertising campaigns of the season (Tim Walker I love you) this is a brand that deserves to flourish.

And then round the corner to the Gap 1969 pop-up store for a quick drink and a 'hi!' with Garance Doré, who was incredibly lovely, signing tees for people and chatting. Oh, and she looked fab too! Then across the road to Liberty to, finally, get my copy of The Sartorialist's book and have it signed by the Great Man Himself. As soon as I left, the queue was snaking around the corner of the menswear floor.

What a day!

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